报告摘要:In this talk, I will introduce a Multi-Kink Quantile Regression (MKQR) model which assumes different linear quantile regression forms in different regions of the domain of the threshold covariate but are still continuous at kink points. I will introduce three projects on the MKQR. In the first part, we investigate parameter estimation, kink points detection and statistical inference in MKQR models for independent data. Asymptotic properties, such as selection consistency of the number of kink points and asymptotic normality of the estimators of both regression coefficients and kink effects, are established to justify the proposed method theoretically. A score test based on partial subgradients is developed to verify whether the kink effects exist or not. A new R package MultiKink is developed to easily implement the proposed methods. In the second part, we propose a multi-kink quantile regression model for longitudinal data analysis. Two estimation procedures are proposed to estimate the regression coefficients and the kink point locations: one is a computationally efficient profile estimator under the working independence framework while the other one considers the within-subject correlations by using the unbiased generalized estimation equation approach. The selection consistency of the number of kink points and the asymptotic normality of two proposed estimators are established. We study the application to the longitudinal progesterone data and identify two kink points in the progesterone curves over different quantiles. In the third part, we propose a multi-kink quantile regression (MKQR) model with latent homogeneous structure for panel data analysis. The proposed model accounts for both homogeneity and heterogeneity among individuals and parameters in panel data analysis. From statistical modelling point of view, it well balances the risk of misspecification and the model parsimony. From practical point of view, it is able to reveal not only the impacts of covariates in the global sense, but also individual attributes.
在报告中,钟威教授从Independent Data,Longitudinal Data以及Common Structure for Panel Data这三种类型的数据出发,详细分析多折点分位数回归问题。并且以肱三头肌皮脂厚度和女性孕酮数据为例对MKQR模型以及应用问题进行了介绍。此模型的应用不仅允许有多个折点,还可以根据数据选择折点。在非参数估计中介绍了两种解决方法:一种是核估计方法,另一种则为样条方法。讲解方式深入浅出,不仅让师生充分了解了MKQR模型,也激发了同学们对此研究方向浓厚的学习兴趣。