
报告题目:The Person-Oriented Statistical Methods for Program Evaluation and Big Data Analytics(大数据分析和干预评估框架下的面向个体的统计方法)
The need for new methods to deal with big data is a common theme in most scientific fields including prevention science. Evaluations of intervention programs often have multiple outcome variables. These are often reported for multiple time points (e.g., pre- and post-intervention) where data are multilevel (e.g., students nested in schools). The task of analyzing such data calls for innovative statistical methods for addressing the new challenges due to the big data. In this talk, we present an overview of variable-oriented and person-oriented statistical methods for big data analytics. Then using data from a provincial-wide mental health prevention study in Manitoba, Canada, we illustrate how these two approaches provide us with different information that can be complementary. Data analyses with variable-oriented approach (multilevel linear regression model) provided us the overall program effects for each outcome variable; the person-oriented approach (latent transition analysis) helps to explore the transition of multiple outcomes across multiple time points and how the intervention program affects this transition differently for students with different risk profiles. The implications of these results and use of the person-oriented statistical approaches for data-driven decision-making and knowledge discovery are discussed.

